Welcome to The Life of Ky! This is a blog showcasing my creative work as a nonfiction writer & so much more! Explore my poetry, modeling career, and short stories.

Hi! My name is Kyla, but you can call me Ky.

I am a nonfiction writer who has quite the story to share. My dream is to share the struggles I have faced, while encompassing the love that has kept me alive. In this safe place, I aspire to show pieces of my writing, which includes snippets from my memoir, poetry, and short stories.

Along with my writer’s mind, I also call myself an artist through the lens of a camera. I adore modeling. Always have. This is a way to express myself, and tell a story through raw emotions, creative teams, and fashion!

Captivating Poetry

Immerse yourself in the beauty of our poetic expressions. Our collection of poems explores a range of emotions and themes, from the depths of darkness to the

Each poem is carefully crafted to evoke powerful imagery and stir the depths of your soul. Join us on this poetic journey and experience the power of words.

Discover the art of storytelling through our captivating poetry. Our words will transport you to different worlds, where emotions run deep and imagination knows no bounds.

Indulge in the magic of our poetic creations. Let the rhythm and flow of our words take you on a journey through the realms of emotions, nature, and the human

What is the purpose of this blog?

The purpose of this blog is to showcase the creative work of Ky as a nonfiction writer, including poetry, short stories, and other writings. Ky also plans to publish a memoir and a

What are the creative themes explored in this blog?

The creative themes explored in this blog often lean towards darker subjects. Ky has a passion for sunsets, their dog, and the stars.

What is the target audience for this blog?

The target audience for this blog includes individuals with interests in creative writing, poetry, short stories, memoirs, modeling, dark themes, nature, pets, sunsets, and stars. The target age

Can I submit my own creative work to be

Yes, you can submit your own creative work to be featured on this blog. Please reach out to Ky through the contact page for more information.

How often is new content published on this blog?

New content is published on this blog regularly. Please check back frequently for updates.

Can I contact Ky for collaborations or other inquiries?

Yes, you can contact Ky for collaborations or other inquiries. Please use the contact page to get in touch.


Nonfiction Writer


Short Story Writer




Creative Themes

Explore an eclectic collection

Craft authentic tales and
unforgettable moments